So I’ve found the root of all evil and as I mentioned, it has nothing to do with the green stuff. Wanna know what it is? Of course you do. Its cupcakes. Particularly the birthday variety of cupcakes. Well, it’s probably more like the refined white sugar that comprises a huge portion of the ingredients in cupcakes, but still. Hear me out. My daughter goes to the public school in White Plains NY. Yes, we do live in Westchester County New York where there are WAY too many moms who have too much money and time on their hands. Unfortunately, they seem to swarm to the PTA like flies on honey. This leads them to spend their time totally annoying normal moms with mandates like only bringing healthy food in to share for birthdays. At the beginning of the school year, we were actually given a list of healthy alternatives. Like granola bars. Or cut up veggies. WTF??!!! If my mom tried to send in granola bars to share for my birthday, I think I would have just told her to forget it. Cut up veggies? For a birthday snack? Don’t I force feed my kid enough of those every day? You have to go and screw with her birthday too?
I know that the motivations behind not encouraging parents to send in junk are well intended. But seriously. It is not a few random cupcakes that are ruining the health of our kids. It’s all the junk they eat after school and on the weekends that really hurts their weight and diet. Encouraging moms to send in healthy lunches is one thing. Not selling soda in the cafeteria for every day consumption, I can totally get behind that. Trying to be overly proactive about this stuff, not so much.
Another thing that bothers me is the holier than thou attitude of these moms. Frankly, I’m a pretty intelligent person. I think I can weigh out whether or not my daughter should have cupcakes. I don’t judge you for being a type A uber crazy helicopter mom, don’t judge me for being a more laid back mom. Both our kids will turn out fine.