Friday, October 22, 2010

Raiding the Freezer and Other Such Sins

Listening to: Been Caught Stealing – Jane’s Addiction – the video is genius
Mood: Shifty

We seem to have time periods at our house where the natives just go bananas. And by natives, I mean my eldest daughter. And by going bananas, I mean, well, going bananas. I came downstairs yesterday morning to find a very peculiar, strong smell. I quickly processed this into the smell of nail polish. My daughter had decided it was a good day to update her and her little sister’s manicures. I opened the freezer last night and found the ice cream sitting open with a spoon sticking straight up out of it. Now, I know this wasn’t me. I at least close the lid when I raid the ice cream. Eating ice cream out of the container is way too low brow for hubby, and the wee one does not have the dexterity to open the ice cream carton or eat out of it with a spoon. This leaves one obvious culprit. We had a yelling, crying, tantrum in the middle of the street this week. Now one by one, these offenses seem like isolated children’s chicanery. I can’t believe I actually used this word in a sentence. I’m such a nerd.  Put them together, and we get one of the time periods I was mentioning. I like to think I’m pretty observant, but this comes straight out of left field and smacks me in the head.  I have yet to find any cause that would warrant a set off of prolonged crazy behavior.  Halloween is coming up next weekend, and I have threatened to cancel it. Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday, but am that frustrated. In my head, I am repeating the mantra that this too must end at some point, but I am also holding onto sanity with my teeth.  How do you deal with this kind of thing? It will, as I mentioned, eventually stop, but what gives? Ignoring definitely isn’t in my arsenal of acceptable responses. Beating with a broom is out too, even if it is super tempting. I’ve tried reasoning, talking to her like an adult, shaming, screaming, having a tantrum…etc. Nothing is working.  I guess the most frustrating thing is that this is all behavior that she KNOWS is wrong, but continues to defy. It all seems like behavior that is way too young for one almost 7 too. And yes mother, I know I can’t let her get away with it. I’m throwing pretty much everything in my arsenal at her and getting no response at all. Lots of fighting back, then crying, then saying she won’t do it again. The not doing it again lasts for all of 5 minutes. No kidding.


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